The Do’s & Don’ts of
Newborn & Baby Sessions at Home
It’s a whole family affair! Whilst I do some photos of baby on their own, the majority of the photographs will be of you guys as a family. Parents, siblings & pets all welcome :)
If you would like some photos of baby in just their nappy, dig out your favourite blankets or muslins. We can use these to cover baby’s nappy if you’d rather it wasn’t on show. It’s also a good idea to pop the heating on if necessary so your little one doesn’t get cold out of their clothes.
If you’d rather have your baby dressed for the shoot, have a think about a well fitting outfit. It’s best to opt for something that stays put when you’re holding them/changing positions like a babygrow or romper. Bare in mind that thicker things like cardigans can ride up and cover their face and some dresses need a lot of adjusting.
During the session we will mainly be using soft cosy areas such as your sofa, bed & nursery (don’t worry if this isn’t ready though!) Natural light is also key so get those blinds up as I’ll shoot in the lightest rooms possible!
Before the shoot, make a bed up with your favourite bedding. Plain white works really well but feel free to opt for a nice patterned cover if you’ve got one. Avoid stripes if possible as these can look strange in an image if they’re not perfectly straight!
Don’t worry about tidying up! You’ve got a tiny little thing attached to you 24/7 who deserves your time, not the hoover. If you are lucky enough to have a spare 10 minutes, stick the kettle on and enjoy a cup of tea with your feet up.
When dressing your little one (& yourselves) avoid wearing anything with text on it. Even a small logo on a t-shirt can be really distracting in an image!
It’s perfectly normal for your baby to cry during the shoot and there’s never any rush so don’t let it stress you! It’s also perfectly normal to stop for multiple feeds, nappy changes and cuddle breaks. This is your babies first modelling job, they’re bound to be a bit of a diva. For this reason, I recommend booking a full shoot which lasts around an hour.
Don’t put any pressure on yourselves or your little one to book in for the shoot straight away. If you’re not feeling up to it in the first couple of weeks, or your baby was born prematurely, it might be best to take the pressure off and wait until you’re completely ready so it’s something to look forward to & enjoy!